metabolic rates 查询结果如下:
A disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland in adults and characterized by dry skin,swellings around the lips and nose,mental deterioration,and a subnormal basal metabolic rate .
属类:综合句库 -
These hormones’ primary action in adults is to regulate cellular oxygen consumption ( metabolic rate ). They also lower blood cholesterol and are necessary for normal growth and development in children.
属类:化学及生命科学 -医学 -生理与解剖
Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Determination of metabolic rate
属类:行业标准名称 -ISO标准
Effect of Dietary Carbohydrate Levels on Routine Metabolic Rate in Silurus meridionalis Chen
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Quantification of Regional Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen with PET
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Characterics of Regional Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Glucose in first-episode Depression with Fluoxetine and Relationships to Change of Clinical Symptoms
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Anthropometric Measurement, Body Composition and Basal Metabolic Rate in the Normal Weight and the Obesed Young Females
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
The Effect of Calcium Pyruvate on Physical Compositions and Rest Metabolic Rate of Wrestlers
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Resting Metabolic Rate , Body Composition, and Physical Activity in Chronic Stroke Patients-A Pilot Study
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Using Indirect Calorimetry to Measure Resting Metabolic Rate in Healthy Neonates
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Influence of Feeding on Metabolic Rate in Bowring’s Gecko, Hemidactylus bowringii
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Effects of Extract from Astragalus on Performance, Metabolic Rate and Digestive Enzyme Activities of Broilers
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
1. Noun. Rate of metabolism; the amount of energy expended in a give period.
1. The Medical Clinics of North America by Michael C. Fiore, Stephen S. Entman, Charles B. Rush (1921)“In all the groups the pulse-rate is higher in women than in men, in spite of the
fact that the basal metabolic rate is higher in the latter. ...”
3. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1883)“A change to a critical metabolic rate triggering an increase of growth hormone or
... The average metabolic rate of girls and boys, computed from Talbot’s ...”
4. Individuality in Organisms by Charles Manning Child (1915)“MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN RELATION TO metabolic rate The belief that
qualitative differences of some sort in the fundamental constitution of the ...”
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